Clean Beauty Co. Finds The Perfect Amount Of Hydration To Quench Thirsty Skin

Camilla Freese @camilla.cleanbeautyco is a Sydney-based MUA. She is into all things beauty but is very particular on the products she uses on her clients and herself and uses only products that contain no toxic chemicals or nasty fillers. Camilla has been using our classic beauty products and found the perfect amount of hydration to quench thirsty skin. This is what she had to say and how she added these two products to her morning regime to hydrate her skin:
“First week in trialling this beautiful brand and I already know my favourites!”
“I’m a sucker for a good natural tonic and hydrating serum and wow has Rina nailed them. I’ve been using these each morning and yes, it is early days but I can just tell I’m going to be reaching for them every morning.
The Hydrating Rose Tonic is made from hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and rose extract; what a combo! I have been using the tonic after I cleanse and before my serum to help hydrate and regenerate my skin tissue. The natural rose scent is to die for!
My other fav is the “Plane Jane hydrating serum”. This gives the perfect amount of hydration to quench to my skin. 💦 It’s a thicker consistency then the one’s I have tried in the past and my skin looks and feels hydrated and glowy afterwards. Say hello to a huge boost of hyaluronic acid and vitamins to start your morning.” ☀️
I look forward to see her progress on how the products are working for her in the next few weeks. I will keep you updated on any other beauty corner tips she adds to her routine.
If you would like Camilla for your next makeup booking you can find her on Instagram:
If you would like to try these for yourself then head over to:
With love.